Wexford band of brothers help young broadcaster win national award – ‘they didn’t think there was a story in it’

Jodie Dempsey from Castlebridge who received a media award for her documentary 'Dempsey's Den' pictured in Dempsey's Den in her dad's home in Castlebridge. Pic: Jim Campbell

Simon Bourke
© Wexford People

When it came to creating an audio documentary for the final semester of her degree course at Technological University (TU) Dublin, Jodie Dempsey did not have to look far for inspiration. Tasked with recording and producing a feature length documentary for her Film and Broadcasting course, the Castlebridge native only had to step into her back garden to gain access to the lives of a small band of brothers, a group of men who had plenty of stories to tell.

Those men are regulars in an establishment which has become colloquially known as Dempsey’s Den, a shebeen developed during the pandemic by Jodie’s dad to give himself and his friends somewhere to meet up. Needless to say those meetings were coloured by cheoil agus craic, with the occasional pint supped here and there, but, having chosen to document the lives of her dad and his friends, Jodie discovered the Den was much more than just a place for men to hang out.