New route by Wexford Bus will take in several rural villages

Wexford Bus Managing Director Brendan Crowley.

Isabel Colleran
© Gorey Guardian

Wexford Bus have announced a new bus route which will operate between Gorey and Wexford via Ballycanew seven days a week.

Route 884 will operate on the R741 between Gorey Main Street and Redmond Square in Wexford Town. From Gorey Main Street it will continue on to Gorey Hatch lab, Ballycanew, Monamolin, Ballyedmond, Oulart, Ballagheen, Castlebridge, Ardcavan, Wexford (Ely Hospital) and finally Wexford (Redmond Square).

Cllr Mary Farrell says this is an opportunity for local people to avail of a bus service which they’ve been wanting for years.

"It’s so important that people can access public transport which up to now hasn’t been available to them. Particularly for anybody who has a bus pass, they’ll now be able to access free travel that they’re eligible for. It’ll give them the opportunity to get into town for appointments, to see the doctor or even do their shopping.”

"Bus routes like this have to be used and if they’re not going to use them, they’re not going to be financially viable. My advice is to use it and to make the best of it, particularly for people in rural areas that don’t have access to second cars or transport,” said Cllr Farrell.