Simon Bourke: Parade of perfectly photoshopped mugshots coming to a town near you as politicians hit the poster trail

Tidy Towns groups see election posters see election posters as a bit of an eye-sore. Photo: Niall Carson/ PA Wire

Simon Bourke

It’s a difficult balancing act. Do you take a stand, announce you’re more concerned about the environment than self-promotion, and run the risk of no-one knowing who you are come polling day? Or, do you follow the sheep, put on your loveliest smile, buy the best photoshopping technology money can buy, and hope face recognition is enough to see you through?

In case you didn’t know, it’s that time again, that time when politicians who haven’t darkened your door for five years, who haven’t answered any of your calls, responded to any of your emails, suddenly want to know everything about you. There’s elections on the horizon, two of them; one to decide who gets to sit on your local council and spend the next few years posing for photos with people they don’t know, and another to decide who gets sent to Europe to drink champagne on balconies and hold debates which no-one listens to.