Obituary: Arthur Jolley

Maker and keeper of Irish motorsport history, writes Martin McCarthy

SENSATION: Arthur Jolley

Arthur Jolley, who died recently aged 95, was a top class motorcyclist and rally co-driver who in the 1950s scored two top five finishes in the Monte Carlo Rally. With the legendary Cecil Vard, later the motoring correspondent for the Sunday Independent, at the wheel and Arthur navigating, they steered Vard's mother-in-law's Jaguar Mark V through 2,000 miles of snow, hail and rain to receive their laurels from Prince Rainier. Of great pride to Irish motorsport was the fact that the car was assembled and prepared in Ireland - by Maurice Cavey from his works in Camden Street.

Arthur was an expert motorcycle trials rider, and president and life member of the Dublin University Motor Cycle & Light Car Club (known as the DU) - a pioneer organisation which from 1923 hosted competitive car and bike events almost every other weekend.