Modern Morals: My wife wants to split the housework 50/50 but I work harder and earn more so I don’t think it’s fair

She is now refusing to do certain tasks such as buy toilet paper, which I find petty and frustrating

While an exact 50/50 division of labour is difficult to achieve, a glaring imbalance can highlight underlying issues in a relationship, as well as differing core beliefs. Photo: Getty

Katie Byrne

Question: My wife and I both work full-time but I earn almost twice as much as her. The work I do is more mentally taxing and often involves me working later into the evening. It took me eight years of study to get into this line of work. My wife didn’t go to university. We’re now parents to young children and housework has become a big bone of contention. My wife wants to draw up a spreadsheet to split chores, general tasks and childcare 50/50.

I don’t think this is fair given that I contribute twice as much as her financially and I need more time to rest and turn off in the evening. I’m not an unreasonable man. I have no issue with digging in but I think the type of work I do — and the money it brings into our household — should be taken into account.