Wexford Naturalists May lecture to focus on the woodcock

The woodcock.

© Wexford People

An interesting bird, the subject of Wexford Naturalists’ Field Club’s May lecture will be ‘The Woodcock’.

The humble woodcock is a wader that has adapted to a woodland habitat. Once regarded as a delicacy being sold into the food chain, its sale was outlawed in Ireland back in 2015 following major concerns expressed by hunting groups and conservation bodies around the bird’s survival.

The presentation will be given by James O'Neill, who has been a doctoral student at University College Cork for the past five years and has just submitted his PhD thesis. Originally from Northern Ireland and having studied Zoology at Queen's University Belfast, he has travelled all over Ireland over the course of his research focusing on the Woodcock.

In addition to the Woodcock, he is a keen birdwatcher and bird ringer, with a passion for shorebirds and swifts. However, no wildlife is safe from him and he enjoys delving into wildflowers, mammals, moths, butterflies and other insect groups when he gets the chance.

The lecture takes place in The Pumphouse at Wexford Wildfowl Reserve on Thursday, May 2, at 8pm.

Non-members of the club are welcome. Admission is €5 which includes light refreshments.

For more information on Wexford Naturalists' Field Club see www.wexfordnaturalists.com or pick up a brochure in your local library.